celebjoint.com was established in july 2009 and since then had been regularly updated with the latest news on celebrities. Basically the aim of Celeb joint is to call your attention to the current celebrity news making waves and then links you back to the origin of the stories where it can be read in full. So with celejoint.com all you need to do is to come and peep and then link back to the full story from source.

This site  is based on wordpress which can be easily managed and was originally developed to be used as a private website that is intended to be developed further into something else advanced in celebrity lifestyle.

This site has the potential to earn good money through direct  advertising and publishing of third party advertisments.


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2 Responses to “CELEB JOINT”

  1. judy says:

    Hello, about how much are you willing to offer this blog for, what is the traffic like?
    Actually. I like the domain and the site , let me know

  2. admin says:

    Hello, we will be posting the price of the site soon, there are still some jobs to be done it. Thanks for showing interest.

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