July 22nd, 2009


celebjoint.com was established in july 2009 and since then had been regularly updated with the latest news on celebrities. Basically the aim of Celeb joint is to call your attention to the current celebrity news making waves and then links you back to the origin of the stories where it can be read in full. So with celejoint.com all you need to do is to come and peep and then link back to the full story from source.

This site  is based on wordpress which can be easily managed and was originally developed to be used as a private website that is intended to be developed further into something else advanced in celebrity lifestyle.

This site has the potential to earn good money through direct  advertising and publishing of third party advertisments.


2 months free hosting after purchase:

free basic maintenance for 2 weeks.

Buying Options


July 22nd, 2009



onlinemoneyforum.net was started in April 2006 and at the time it grew only as a forum attracting more than 1000 members, more than 5000 page views monthly , more than 200 daily visits and an ad revenue from google, bidvertiser and direct banner rotation totalling $100 monthly. Due to lack of time to manage this site and being abandoned for while, It has now been brought back to life the forum cleaned, a directory and a blog added. So far traffic is gradually returning back and the potential to make money is back again.

The directory has boosted the traffic recently recieving good top searches for related keywords. This site was developed to offer information and interaction to those looking to make money online. Any body with a good knowledge of what to do can quickly turn it around and make a fortune with the domain and focus of the site.

It comes with :

3 months free hosting

1 month free technical support within our reach


$30 monthly


Monthly Page Loads = 2000

Monthly Uniques = 800

First time visitor = 500

returning visits = 25

For more info please visit here:

Price: $500

Buying Options


July 22nd, 2009


HIGHSTREETPEOPLE.COM is website designed for people who have a high street or main street lifestyle. It is designed to be a place where like minded people would interact and with a dark shaded look representing privacy for people who share high street lifestyles. It has been well eqiuipped with a forum, a blog and a store where owner can sell his own products.

It has been designed to earn revenue indirectly by displaying ads and third party products on the forums and blogs and then also to earn income directly selling goods at the high street store.

Originally it was intended for use by it’s owner but due to lack of time to manage it as other projects are on hand, the best decision was to sell it off. The domain is a very attractive domain and goes straight to point with site content. The blog has kicked off with some amount of post coming in daily. This is a good site with high potentials for anybody who knows what to do with it. It also has the potential to be re-developed and expanded easily.

On purchase you wil get the following:

Free 2 weeks support on technical within our reach

Free hosting for 2 months

PRICE : $200

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